Semiconductor Physics » Exercise – 3
101. An ideal diode presents a(n) ________ when reversed-biased and a(n) ________ when forward-biased.
(a) open, short
(b) short, open
(c) open, open
(d) short, short
102. What types of impurity atoms are added to increase the number of conduction-band electrons in intrinsic silicon?
(a) bivalent
(b) octavalent
(c) pentavalent
(d) trivalent[E]. none of the above
103. What factor(s) do(es) the barrier potential of a pn junction depend on?
(a) type of semiconductive material
(b) the amount of doping
(c) the temperature
(d) all of the above[E]. type of semiconductive material and the amount of doping but not the temperature
104. Effectively, how many valence electrons are there in each atom within a silicon crystal?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16
105. Which statement best describes an insulator?
(a) A material with many free electrons.
(b) A material doped to have some free electrons.
(c) A material with few free electrons.
(d) No description fits.
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