Satellite Subsystems – Exercise – 1

Satellite Subsystems » Exercise – 1

1. Satellite engine use :

(a) liquid fuel
(b) jet propulsion
(c) ion propulsion system
(d) solar jet

Answer : (c)
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2. ………. detects the satellite signal relayed from the feed and converts it to an electric current, amplifies and lower its frequency.

(a) feedhorn
(b) satellite dish
(c) satellite receiver
(d) LNB

Answer : (d)
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3. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of …………. ?

(a) broad bandwidth
(b) good front-to-back
(c) maneuverability
(d) circular polarization

Answer : (d)
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4. What kind of battery panels are used in some advance satellites ?

(a) gallium arsenide solar panel
(b) germanium based panels
(c) silicon based panels
(d) gallium phosphate solar panel

Answer : (a)
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5. Passive reflectors are provided on :

(a)  Active satellites only
(b)  Passive satellites only
(c)  Both a and b above
(d)  None of the above

Answer : (b)
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