3. “The square of the period of revolution to the planet about the sun is proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the sun” The above statement is based on :
(a) Newtons law (b) Galileo’s hypothesis (c) Kepler’s law (d) None of the above
Answer : (c)
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Satellite Orbits » Exercise - 124. Geostationary satellites are placed in equatorial orbit at a height of approximately : (a) 1000 km (b) 15000 km (c) 25000 km (d) 36000 km
Satellite Orbits » Exercise - 1 1. Epigee and perigee are the considerations when a satellite is in : (a) Lower orbit (b) Geostationary orbit (c) Circular orbit (d) Circular orbit
Satellite Orbits » Exercise - 113. A satellite in low circular orbit than a geostationary orbit is known as ……. Satellite . (a) Slow moving (b) Fast moving (c) Passive (d) Active