Sampling Theory » Exercise - 1 1. As per sampling theorem - (a) The signal should be sampled at least twice each cycle of its lowest frequency (b) Twice each cycle of its highest frequency (c) Guard time should be as large as possible (d) Nyquist rate should be as low as possible
Tags: sampling, theory, frequency, signal, sampled, exercise, time, nyquist, rate, communication
Sampling Theory » Exercise - 1 5. If the sampling time is less than the Nyquist interval : (a) Simpler filters can be used to obtain the original signal (b) Bandwidth increases (c) Channel Capacity increases (d) Guard time becomes less
Tags: sampling, theory, time, exercise, nyquist, interval, signal, communication, engineering
Introduction to Satellite Communication » Exercise - 282. What should be the oscillator frequency for tuning in 710 KHz on an AM radio with a 455 KHz IF : (a) 1165 KHz (b) 1015 KHz (c) 255 KHz (d) 127.5 KHz