(a) The signal should be sampled at least twice each cycle of its lowest frequency (b) Twice each cycle of its highest frequency (c) Guard time should be as large as possible (d) Nyquist rate should be as low as possible
Answer : (b)
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Sampling Theory » Exercise - 1 3. A signal of maximum frequency of 10 kHz is sampled at Nyquist rate. The time interval between two successive sample is - (a) 50 µs (b) 100 µs (c) 1000 µs (d) 5 µs
Tags: sampling, theory, exercise, signal, frequency, sampled, nyquist, rate, time, communication
Sampling Theory » Exercise - 1 4. Impulse modulation systems, The number of samples required to ensure no loss of information is given by - (a) Fourier transmission (b) Nyquist theorem (c) Parsevals theorem (d) None of the these
Noise in Communication Systems » Exercise - 110. Sampling theorem finds application in : (a) Frequency modulation (b) Amplitude modulation (c) PCM (d) None of the above