Regulated Power Supplies » Exercise - 115. A zener voltage regulator will cease to act as a voltage regulator if zener current becomes ............ (a) less than load current (b) zero (c) more than load current (d) none of the above
Regulated Power Supplies » Exercise - 136. The zener current will be minimum when ............ (a) load current is maximum (b) load current is minimum (c) load current is zero (d) none of the above
Regulated Power Supplies » Exercise - 135. When load current is zero, the zener current will be ............ (a) zero (b) minimum (c) maximum (d) none of the above
Regulated Power Supplies » Exercise - 126. If the load resistance decreases in a zener regulator, then zener current ............. (a) decreases (b) stays the same (c) increases (d) none of the above
Regulated Power Supplies » Exercise - 113. In a zener voltage regulator, the changes in load current produce changes in .......... (a) zener current (b) zener voltage (c) zener voltage as well as zener current (d) none of the above