(a) Both CARRY and ZERO flags will be set to 0. (b) CARRY flag will be set to 0 and ZERO flag to 1. (c) CARRY flag will be set to 1 and ZERO flag to 0. (d) Both CARRY and ZERO flags will be set to 1.
Answer : (d)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
3. Consider the program
After the execution of this program :
(a) The L resistor contains flag resistor contents (b) The H resistor contains flag resistor contents (c) The L resistor contains accumulator contents (d) None of the above.
Answer : (a)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Programming of 8085 Microprocessor » Exercise - 1 1. If 8085 adds 87 H 79 H, then (a) Both CARRY and ZERO flags will be set to 0. (b) CARRY flag will be set to 0 and ZERO flag to 1. (c) CARRY flag will be set to 1 and ZERO flag to 0. (d) Both CARRY and ZERO flags will be set to 1.
Programming of 8085 Microprocessor » Exercise - 13. Consider the program PUSH PSW POPH After the execution of this program : (a) The L resistor contains flag resistor contents (b) The H resistor contains flag resistor contents (c) The L resistor contains accumulator contents (d) None of the above.
Programming of 8085 Microprocessor » Exercise - 15. How many times the loop in the following program will be executed ? LXI D, 0050H DCX D MOV A, E ORA D XRA A JNZ LOOP (a) 80 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) Infinite
Programming of 8085 Microprocessor » Exercise - 12. If A=29 BCD and B=33BCD, then after ADD B instruction the output will be : (a) 62 BCD (b) 62H (c) 5CH (d) 5C BCD
Programming of 8085 Microprocessor » Exercise - 14. Which one of the following instructions can be used to clear the accumulator ? (a) XRA A (b) MVI A, 00H (c) SUB A (d) All of these