20. A silicon power transistor is operated with a heat sink ( θSA = 1.5ºC/W). The transistor, rated at 150 W (25ºC), has θJC = 0.5º C/W, and the mounting insulation has θCS = 0.6 ºC/W. What is the maximum power that can be dissipated if the ambient temperature is 50ºC and TJmax = 200 ºC?
(a) 61.5 W (b) 60.0 W (c) 57.7 W (d) 55.5 W
Answer : (c)
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555555555554. Determine what maximum dissipation will be allowed for a 70-W silicon transistor (rated at 25ºC) if derating is required above 25ºC by a derating factor of 0.6 W/ºC at a case temperature of 100º. (a) 25 W (b) 30 W (c) 35 W (d) 40 W