2. The most important feature of the Indian Parliament is that :
(a) it is the Union Legislature in India (b) it also comprises of the president (c) it is bicameral in nature (d) the Upper House of the Parliament is never dissolved
Answer : (b)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
3. With reference to the delimitation Commission, consider the following statements :
1. The orders of the delimitation Commission cannot be challenged in a court of law.
2. When the orders of the delimitation commission are laid before the Lok Sabha or State Legislative Assembly, they cannot effect any modifications in the orders.
Which is/are correct ?
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Answer : (d)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
4. Besides representation, the parliament of India is also a deliberative body with diverse function. Which one among the following is not a function of the parliament of India ?
(a) Ventilating the grievances of the peoples (b) Executing major policy decisions (c) Holding the government accountable for its action and expenditure (d) Amending the constitution
Answer : (c)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
The Parliament » Exercise - 1 5. Secretariat of Parliament of India is : (a) Under Minister of Parliamentary Affairs (b) Under President (c) Independent of the Government (d) Under the Supreme Court
Tags: parliament, india, president, government, court, indian, polity
Citizenship » Exercise - 17. Which one among the following has the power to regulate the right of citizenship in India ? (a) The Union Cabinet (b) The Parliament (c) The Supreme Court (d) The Law Commission
Tags: india, parliament, court, commission, indian, polity
The Parliament » Exercise - 1 2. The most important feature of the Indian Parliament is that : (a) it is the Union Legislature in India (b) it also comprises of the president (c) it is bicameral in nature (d) the Upper House of the Parliament is never dissolved
Tags: parliament, indian, india, president, polity
The President and Vice President » Exercise - 19. The power to make treaties with other nations lies with : (a) the Parliament (b) the Prime Minister (c) the President of India (d) None of the above
Tags: president, parliament, india, indian, polity
The Union Judiciary (Supreme Court) » Exercise - 17. The disputes regarding the election of the president and Vice-President of India are decided by the- (a) Parliament (b) Election Commission (c) Supreme Court (d) High Court
Tags: court, president, india, parliament, commission, indian, polity