555555555590. Negative feedback results in ________. (a) decreased voltage gain (b) increased voltage gain (c) oscillation in the circuit (d) None of the above
5555555555 69. Determine the voltage gain with feedback for a voltage-series feedback having A = –100, R1 = 15 kΩ, R0 = 20 kΩ, and a feedback of β = –0.25. (a) 3.85 (b) –3.85 (c) –9.09 (d) 9.09
Tags: feedback, oscillators, voltage, gain, electronics, engineering
555555555592. With feedback, , the overall gain of the circuit is reduced by a factor ________ where A is the gain without the feedback. (a) (b) A (c) A (d) 1 + A
Tags: feedback, gain, oscillators, circuit, electronics, engineering