5555555555 21. work is the one thing P: and without it Q: that is necessary R: to keep the world going S: we should all die The Proper sequence should be: (a) QPSR (b) RPQS (c) SRPQ (d) QRPS
Tags: proper, sequence, qpsr, qrps, general, english
5555555555 28. We have to P: as we see it Q: speak the truth R: there is falsehood and weakness S: even if all around us The Proper sequence should be: (a) RQSP (b) QRPS (c) RSQP (d) QPSR
Tags: proper, sequence, qrps, qpsr, general, english
5555555555 47. I saw that P: but seeing my host in this mood Q: I deemed it proper to take leave R: as I had frequently done before S: it had been my intention to pass the night there The Proper sequence should be: (a) QPSR (b) QRPS (c) SPQR (d) SRPQ
Tags: proper, sequence, qpsr, qrps, general, english
5555555555 34. The master P: who was very loyal to him Q: punished the servant R: without giving any valid reason S: when he left the work unfinished The Proper sequence should be: (a) RQPS (b) RQSP (c) QPSR (d) QRPS
Tags: qrps, qpsr, sequence, proper, general, english
5555555555 36. It is easier P: to venture into space Q: for men R: beneath their feet S: than to explore The Proper sequence should be: (a) QRPS (b) QPSR (c) PSRQ (d) PQSR
Tags: proper, sequence, qrps, qpsr, general, english