5555555555188. With negative feedback, the returning signal: (a) aids the input signal (b) is proportional to output current (c) opposes the input signal (d) is proportional to differential voltage gain
5555555555123. The output offset voltage is determined by ________. (a) the input offset voltage and input offset current (b) the closed-loop gain (c) both the input offset voltage and the closed-loop gain (d) None of the above
5555555555 105. At what input voltage level does the output voltage level become numerically equal to the value of the differential gain of the amplifier? (a) Vi1 = –Vi2 = 0.25 V (b) V i1 = –V i2 = 0.50 V (c) V i1 = –V i2 = 0.75 V (d) V i1 = –Vi2 = 1.00 V
5555555555159. If the feedback/input resistor ratio of a feedback amplifier is 4.6 with 1.7 V applied to the noninverting input, what is the output voltage value? (a) 7.82 V (b) saturation (c) cutoff (d) 9.52 V