555555555516. In a common-base configuration, the input and output voltages are ________ and the output and input currents are ________. (a) 180º out of phase, 180º out of phase (b) 180º out of phase, in phase (c) in phase,180º out of phase (d) in phase, in phase
Operational Amplifier » Exercise - 15. A differential amplifier ........... (a) is a part of an OP-amp (b) has one input and one output (c) has two outputs (d) a and c
555555555539. For an op-amp having a slew rate SR = 5 V/ms, what is the maximum closed-loop voltage gain that can be used when the input signal varies by 0.2 V in 10 ms? (a) 150 (b) 200 (c) 250 (d) 300