One Word Substitution » Notes » One Word Substitution Beginning with S
Here we are providing some most popular one word substitution starting with the letter “S”. In all types of competitive examinations, one word substitution questions are mostly asked. In the table below, some most popular one word substitution starting with the letter “S” have been given, which will definitely help the students in various competitive exam prepation.
S. No. | One Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1. | Sacrilege | अपवित्रीकरण | Violating or Profaning Religious Things/Places |
2. | Samaritan | सामरी | One Who Helps Others Good |
3. | Sanatorium | आरोग्यआश्रम | A Place for the Sick to Recover Health |
4. | Sanctuary | मंदिर | A Place of Refuge Recognized as Secure |
5. | Scaffold | पाड़ | A Platform for Hanging Criminals |
6. | Sceptic | संदेहवादी | One Who is Given to Questioning the Truth of Facts and the Soundness of inferences |
7. | Scholar | छात्र | Someone Who Knows A Lot About the Subject |
8. | Scribble | घसीटना | Write Hurriedly or Carelessly in Regard to Hand Writing |
9. | Sculptor | संगतराश | One, Who Cuts in Stones |
10. | Secular | धर्म निरपेक्ष | Which Does Not Favour anyone Religion |
11. | Seismograph | भूकंप-सूचक यंत्र | An instrument for Measuring Movements of the Ground |
12. | Semanticist | – | One Who Studies the Meanings of Words |
13. | Serenade | प्रेमी का सन्ध्या का गीत | Music Played or Sung at Night Below A Person’s Window |
14. | Sericulture | रेशम उत्पादन | Breeding of Silkworm for Silk Production |
15. | Sestet | छह | A Stanza of Six Lines |
16. | Sheath | म्यान | A Case in Which the Sword is Kept |
17. | Sheath / Scabbard | म्यान / म्यान | A Case in Which the Blade of a Sword is Kept Sheath |
18. | Shredding | कतरन | Cutting All the Waste Paper into Pieces |
19. | Shrew | कर्कशा | A Woman with Peevish Nature |
20. | Shuttle | शटल | Go Back and forth |
21. | Siesta | गरम देशों में दोपहर की अल्प निद्रा | Sleep Enjoyed in the Afternoon |
22. | Silhouette | सिल्हूट | A Portrait of a Person with only the Outline of the Profile |
23. | Simultaneous | समकालिक | Happening at the Same Time |
24. | Sinecure | ऐसा पद जिस में वेतन मिले परन्तु कुछ काम न करना पड़े | A Job with High Salary but Little Responsibility |
25. | Smuggler | तस्कर | Someone Who Imports or Exports without Paying Duties |
26. | Snob | मोची का नौकर | One Who Despises Persons of Lower Social Position |
27. | Sociologist | समाजशास्त्री | One Who Studies Social Conditions |
28. | Sojourn | डेरा डालना | A Short Stay at A Place |
29. | Solar | सौर | Eclipse of Sun |
30. | Soliloquy | स्वगत भाषण | Speaking Himself When Alone |
31. | Solo | एकल | A Piece of Music by One Person |
32. | Somnambulism | नींद में चलना | Sleepwalking |
33. | Somnambulist | नींद में चलनेवाला | A Person, Who Walks in Sleep |
34. | Somniloquism | नींद में बात करना | Talking in Sleep |
35. | Somniloquist | व्यक्ति, जो नींद में बात करता है | A Person, Who Talks in Sleep |
36. | Soporific | ऊंघता हुआ | Causing or Tending to Cause Sleep |
37. | Sororicide | भगिनी हत्या | Murder of Sister |
38. | Sot, toper | पियक्कड़, शराबी | One, Who is A Habitual Drunkard |
39. | Sottoper | आदतन शराबी | One Who is A Habitual Drunker |
40. | Souvenir | यादगार | A Thing Kept as A Reminder of A Person, Place or Event |
41. | Spectrum | स्पेक्ट्रम | Image formed by Rays of Light |
42. | Spendthrift, Prodigal | उड़ाऊ, खर्चीला | A Person Who Spends His Money Recklessly |
43. | Spinster | कातनेवाली | Lady Who Remains Unmarried |
44. | Spokesman | प्रवक्ता | One Who Speaks on Behalf of Others |
45. | Stable | स्थिर | A Place for Horses |
46. | Sterilize | बाँझ बनाना | To Make Free from Living Germs or Bacteria |
47. | Stevedore | जहाज़ पर का माल उतारने-चढ़ानेवाला | One Who Loads and Unloads Ships |
48. | Stickler | हामी | A Person Who insists on Something |
49. | Stigma | कलंक | A Mark of Shame |
50. | Stoic | उदासीन | A Person, Who is indifferent to Pleasure and Pain and Has Control Over His Passions |
51. | Stoicism | वैराग्य | indifference to Pleasure or Pain |
52. | Strut | अकड़ | Walk in A Vain, Self‐Important Way |
53. | Stupor | व्यामोह | A Heavy Unnatural Slumber |
54. | Sty | शूकरशाला | A Place Where Pigs Are Kept |
55. | Subterranean | भूमिगत | Submarines Operate Below the Surface of the Seas |
56. | Suicide | आत्महत्या | Murder of Oneself |
57. | Surrogate | सरोगेट | A Substitute |
58. | Swan Song | हंस गीत | the Last Work (Literary) of A Writer |
59. | Swarm | झुंड | A Large Group of insects Moving in A Mass |
60. | Swashbuckler | गलाकाटू | A Boastful Fellow |
61. | Swat | शक्तिशाली प्रहार | To Slap with A Flat Object |
62. | Synchronous | एक समय का | Occurring at the Same Time or Rate |
63. | Synod | पादरियों की सभा | A Council of Clergymen |
64. | Synonyms | समानार्थी | Words Which Have the Same Meaning |
Subject Name : General English |
Posts Name : College Lecturer, School Lecturer, Teacher, Office Assistant, Officer, Clerk |
General English Books |
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