One Word Substitution Beginning with S – Exercise – 1

6. Something that can be heard

(a) Auditory
(b) Audio-visual
(c) Audible
(d) Audition

Answer : (c)
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7. Something that relates to everyone in the world

(a) General
(b) Common
(c) Usual
(d) Universal

Answer : (d)
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8. State in which the few govern the many

(a) Monarchy
(b) Oligarchy
(c) Plutocracy
(d) Autocracy

Answer : (b)
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9. Study of birds

(a) Orology
(b) Optology
(c) Ophthalmology
(d) Ornithology

Answer : (d)
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10. Study of the evolution of man as an animal

(a) Archaeology
(b) Anthropology
(c) Chronology
(d) Ethnology

Answer : (b)
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