One Word Substitution » Notes » One Word Substitution Beginning with P
Here we are providing some most popular one word substitution starting with the letter “P”. In all types of competitive examinations, one word substitution questions are mostly asked. In the table below, some most popular one word substitution starting with the letter “P” have been given, which will definitely help the students in various competitive exam prepation.
S. No. | One Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1. | Pacifist | शांतिवादी | One Who Believes in total Abolition of War |
2. | Paediatrician | बाल रोग विशेषज्ञ | A Person, Who is Specialist in Child Diseases |
3. | Pagan | बुतपरस्त | Person Who Does Not Believe in any |
4. | Palatable | स्वादिष्ट | Food Which Agrees with One’s Taste |
5. | Paleography | प्राचीन शिलालेखों का अध्ययन | The Study of ancient Writing |
6. | Paleontology | जीवाश्म विज्ञान | Study of Fossils |
7. | Panacea | रामबाण | A Remedy for All Diseases |
8. | Panarchy | – | Government Run Universally |
9. | Panegyric | स्तुतिपाठ | A Speech or Writing Praising A Person or A Thing |
10. | Pantheist | सर्वेश्वरवादी | Person Who Believes That God is Everything and Everything is God |
11. | Pantomime | मूकाभिनय | A Dumb Show |
12. | Paramour | प्रेमिका | A Lover Specially One Who Unlawfully Takes the Position of A Wife or A Husband |
13. | Parasite | परजीवी | One Who Lives on Others |
14. | Parasol | छत्र | A Lady’s Umbrella is |
15. | Parody | हास्यानुकृति | Funny Imitation of a Poem |
16. | Parole | पैरोल | Pledge Given by A Prisoner for Temporary Release, Not to Escape |
17. | Parricide | देश-द्रोही | Murder of One’s Parents |
18. | Patent | पेटेंट | Sole Right to Make and Sell Some invention |
19. | Pathologist | चिकित्सक | One Who Examines Tissues Under A Microscope to Diagnose Disease |
20. | Pathology | पैथोलॉजी | Study of Disease |
21. | Patricide | पिता का वध | Murder of Father |
22. | Patrimony | विरासत | Property inherited from forefathers |
23. | Patriot | देश-भक्त | One Who Loves Own Country |
24. | Pauper | कंगाल | A Person Who is Very Poor |
25. | Pedagogy | शिक्षणशास्र | Principles of Teaching |
26. | Pedant | रूढ़िवादी | One, Who Makes A Vain Display of His Knowledge |
27. | Pedantic | पंडिताऊ | A Style in Which A Writer Makes A Display of His Knowledge |
28. | Pedestrian | पैदल यात्री | One, Who Goes on Foot |
29. | Pediatrician | बच्चों का चिकित्सक | The Specialist Who Treats Childhood Illnesses |
30. | Peel | छाल | To Remove the Skin of a Potato or and orange |
31. | Peer | सहकर्मी | Equal in Rank |
32. | Pen | लेखनी | A Small Enclosure for Cattle, Sheep, Poultry Etc |
33. | Peniaphobia | गरीबी का डर | Fear of Poverty |
34. | Peninsula | प्रायद्वीप | Land So Surrounded by Water as to E Almost and island |
35. | Pension | पेंशन | Payment Made in Consideration of Past Service |
36. | Periodontist | परिदंतशोथ | A Specialist Who Treats Diseases of the Gum |
37. | Personify | आदर्शरूप ग्रहण करना | Be the Embodiment or Perfect Example |
38. | Pessimist | निराशावादी | A Person Who Looks at the Darker Side of Things |
39. | Phalacrophobia | बाल्ड बनने का डर | Fear of Becoming Bald |
40. | Philander | भ्रष्टाचार करना | One Who Engages in Extramarital Sex |
41. | Philanderer | पुच्छलगा | One, Who Amuses Himself by Love Making |
42. | Philanthropist | लोकोपकारक | One Who is interested in Charitable Works |
43. | Philatelist | डाक के टिकट का संग्रहक | One, Who Collects Stamps |
44. | Philately | टिकट इकट्ठा करने का काम | Study of Stamp Collection |
45. | Philistine | अशिक्षित | One Who Does Not Care for Art and Literature |
46. | Philogynist | स्रियों का प्रेमी | A Lover of Womankind |
47. | Philogynist | स्रियों का प्रेमी / नारीवादी | One Who Works for the Welfare of the Women |
48. | Philology | भाषाशास्त्र | the Study of Languages |
49. | Philomath | सीखने का प्रेमी | A Lover of Learning |
50. | Philomuse | संपत्ति और कला का प्रेमी | A Lover of Property and Art |
51. | Philotechnic | कला का प्रेमी | A Lover of Arts |
52. | Philotheist | ईश्वर का प्रेमी | A Lover of God |
53. | Philozoic | पशुओं का प्रेमी | A Lover of animals |
54. | Phobia | भय | Fear of Writing Graph |
55. | Phonetics | ध्वनिकी | Study of Sound |
56. | Phrenology | मस्तिष्क-विज्ञान | The Science of Judging of a Person’s Character Capabilities Etc |
57. | Physiognomy | मुख का आकृति | The Study of Human Face |
58. | Physiology | फिजियोलॉजी | The Science Dealing with the Functioning of organisms |
59. | Piggyback | पीठ पर लद के चलना | Ride on Someone’s Back |
60. | Pilferer | चोर | A Thief Who Steals without Using Violence |
61. | Pilgrim | यात्री | One Who Journeys to A Holy Place |
62. | Pioneer | अगुआ | One Who Does Something First |
63. | Placation | सुलह | Act of Turning Hostility into Friendly Feelings |
64. | Plagiarism | साहित्यक डाकाज़नी | Literary theft or Passing off an Author’s original Work as One’s Own |
65. | Plagiarist | साहित्यिक चोर | Someone Who Uses another Person’s Words or Ideas as If they Were His Own |
66. | Platitude | साधारण बात | Ordinary Remarks often Repeated |
67. | Platitudes | लचरपन | Common Place Remarks |
68. | Platypus | एक प्रकार का बत्तक-सदृश नाक से पशु | Egg-Laying Mammal |
69. | Plebiscite | जनमत-संग्रह | A Decision Made by Votes of All Qualified Citizens |
70. | Plenipotentiary | साधिकार | A Person with Full Discretionary Power to Act on Behalf of A Country |
71. | Pleonasm | शब्द-बाहुल्य | Use of More Words Than Are Needed to Express the Meaning |
72. | Plutocracy | धनिक तन्त्र | Government by the Rich |
73. | Podium | मंच | Stand for A Speaker |
74. | Polyandry | एक से अधिक जीवित पति रखने की बात या अवस्था | The Practice of Marrying More Than One Husband at A Time |
75. | Polygamy | बहुविवाह | The Practice of Marrying More Than One Wife at A Time |
76. | Polyglot | बहुभाषी | One, Who Speaks Many Languages |
77. | Polygon | बहुभुज | A Figure with Many angles or Sides |
78. | Port | बंदरगाह | A Place Where Ships Seek Shelter |
79. | Portable | पोर्टेबल | That Can Be Carried Easily |
80. | Posse | मेला | A Number of Policemen Called to Quell A Riot |
81. | Posthumous | मरणोत्तर | A Child Born After the Death of His Father or the Book Published After the Death of the Writer |
82. | Posthumus | पोस्थुमस | A Book Published After the Death of Its Author |
83. | Post-Mortem | शव परीक्षा | an Examination of Dead Body |
84. | Postscript | उपसंहार | A Note Appended to A Letter After the Signature |
85. | Postulate | मांगना | Something Which Can Be Taken for Granted |
86. | Potable | पीने योग्य | Fit to Drink |
87. | Pot‐Boiler | पॉट-बॉयलर | A Book or Picture Produced Merely to Bring in Money |
88. | Pragmatist | दंभी | A Person Concerned with Practical Results and Values |
89. | Predator | दरिंदा | Any animal That Lives by Preying on Other animals |
90. | Prejudice | पक्षपात | To form an Opinion Against anybody Baselessly |
91. | Promise | वादा | Explicit Understanding to Do Something |
92. | Proscription | बहिष्कार | Prohibition Against Something injurious |
93. | Prosecute | पर मुकदमा चलाने | Take Legal Action Against Somebody |
94. | Prostitute | पतुरिया | Woman Who offers the Use of Her Body for Sexual intercourse to any One Who Will Pay for This |
95. | Provender | चारा | Food for Farm animals |
96. | Psephologist | चुनाव विश्लेषक | One Who Studies the Pattern of Voting in Elections |
97. | Psephology | कृत्रिम | The Branch of Sociology That Studies Election Trends |
98. | Pseudonym | उपनाम | An Imaginary Name assumed by an Author for Disguise |
99. | Psychiatrist | मनोचिकित्सक | One Who Treats Mental and Emotional Disturbances |
100. | Psychologist | मनोविज्ञानी | One Who Studies the Science of Mind |
101. | Psychopath | मनोरोगी | Antisocial Person Who May Commit Criminal Acts |
102. | Pugnacity | कलह की इच्छा | Inclined to Fight or Be Aggressive |
103. | Purist | शुद्धतावादी | One Who is Particular About the Purity of One’s Language |
Subject Name : General English |
Posts Name : College Lecturer, School Lecturer, Teacher, Office Assistant, Officer, Clerk |
General English Books |
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