S. No. | One Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1. | Madrigal | गीत | Part‐Song for Several Voices without instrumental Accompaniment |
2. | Magnate | थैलीशाह | An Important or influential Person |
3. | Magnum Opus | प्रसिद्ध रचना | Great Artistic Work |
4. | Maiden | प्रथम | An Unmarried Girl (Especially A Virgin) |
5. | Maiden Speech | प्रथम भाषण | The First Speech Delivered by A Person |
6. | Maieusiophilia | बच्चे के जन्म का डर | Fear of Childbirth |
7. | Malaise | अस्वस्थता | Vague Feeling of General Physical Discomfort |
8. | Malapropism | – | A Phrase R Sentence That is Comical or Nonsensical Because the Speaker Used A Wrong Work That Sounded Something Like A Right Word |
9. | Malcontent | बाग़ी | Person Who is Always Dissatisfied |
10. | Malevolent | द्रोही | Wishing Harm |
11. | Malingerer | अपवादक | One Who Pretends Illness to Escape Duty |
12. | Mammals | स्तनधारी | Animals Which Give Milk |
13. | Mannequin | पुतला | A Full-Size Model of a Complete of Partial Human Figure |
14. | Manuscript | हस्तलिपि | A Paper Written by Hand |
15. | Mariticide | – | A Woman Who Murder Her Husband |
16. | Martyr | शहीद | One, Who Dies for A Noble Cause |
17. | Masochism | स्वपीड़ासक्ति | The Tendency to Derive Sexual Gratification from One’s Own Pain or Humiliation |
18. | Materialistic | भौतिकवादी | One for Whom Money is the Most Important Thing |
19. | Matin | सुबह की प्रार्थना | Morning Prayer |
20. | Matinee | तीसरे पहर के नाटक का गायन | A Cinema Show Which is Held in the Afternoon |
21. | Matins | बांधना | Morning Prayer in the Church Regularly |
22. | Matricide | मातृहत्या | Murder of Mother |
23. | Matrimony | विवाह | State of Being Married |
24. | Maxim | कहावत | an Establish Principle |
25. | Meadow | मैदानी | A Low-Level Tract of Uncultivated Grassland |
26. | Medieval | मध्यकालीन | Relating to or Belonging to the Middle Ages |
27. | Meditation | ध्यान | Continuous and Profound Contemplation on Spiritual Matters |
28. | Megalomania | बड़ाई का ख़ब्त | Mania of Being Important |
29. | Melodrama | नाटक | an Extravagant Comedy in Which Action is More Salient Than Characterization |
30. | Memoir | इतिहास | Personal Reminiscences in A Narrative from |
31. | Menagerie | जंगली पशुओं का पिंजड़ों में संग्रह | A Place for Wild animals and Birds |
32. | Mercenary | किराये का | Working only for the Sake of Money |
33. | Mesomorph | मध्यकाय | A Person Whose Build is Powerful, Compact and Muscular |
34. | Meticulous | सूक्ष्म | One Who is Very Careful and Particular |
35. | Milliner | मेमों की टोपी बनानेवाला | A Person Who Makes and Sells Ladies Hats, Etc |
36. | Mint | टकसाल | A Place Where Coins Are Made |
37. | Minx | ढीठ लड़की | Impudent Girl |
38. | Misanthrope | मनुष्यद्रोही | One Who Hates Mankind |
39. | Misanthropist | मानवद्वेषी | Hater of Mankind |
40. | Miser | कंजूस | One Who Spends Very Little |
41. | Misocapnic | – | A Hater of Smoking |
42. | Misogamist | विवाह से घृणा करने वाला | One Who Hates Marriage |
43. | Misogynist | स्री जाति से द्वेष करनेवाला | One Who Hates Women |
44. | Missionary | प्रचारक | A Person, Who is Sent to Propagate Religion |
45. | Mobocracy | भीड़तंत्र | A Political System in Which A Mob is the Source of Control |
46. | Monarchy | साम्राज्य | Autocracy Governed by A Ruler Who Usually inherits Authority |
47. | Monastery | मठ | A Building in Which Monks Live |
48. | Monocracy | एक व्यक्ति स शासित राज्य | Rule by One Person |
49. | Monogamy | एक ही बार विवाह करने की प्रथा | the Practice of Marrying One at A Time |
50. | Monomaniac | एकोंमादी | Person Obsessed with One Idea or Subject |
51. | Monopoly | एकाधिकार | Exclusive Possession of the Trade in Some Commodity |
52. | Monotheist | एकेश्वरवादी | A Person Who Believes in One Faith is Called |
53. | Monumental | स्मरणार्थ | of Outstanding Significance |
54. | Morgue | मग़रूरता | A Place, Where Dead Bodies Are Kept for Identification |
55. | Mortal | नाशवान | Subject to Death |
56. | Mortuary | शवगृह | A Place, Where Dead Bodies Are Kept for Post Mortem |
57. | Muse | सरस्वती | Goddess of Learning and Arts |
58. | Mutiny | गदर | Open Rebellion of Soldiers and Sailors Against Lawful Authority |
59. | Myth | मिथक | A Traditional Story Related to Deities |