One Word Substitution » Notes » One Word Substitution Beginning with I
Here we are providing some most popular one word substitution starting with the letter “I”. In all types of competitive examinations, one word substitution questions are mostly asked. In the table below, some most popular one word substitution starting with the letter “I” have been given, which will definitely help the students in various competitive exam prepation.
S. No. | One Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1. | Iconoclast | मूर्तिभंजक | A Person Who attacks Popular Belief or Established Custom |
2. | Idiosyncrasy | लत | An Odd, A Typical or Eccentric Trait |
3. | Idolatry | मूर्ति पूजा | The Worship of Idols or Images That Are Not God |
4. | Idyll | सुखद जीवन | Short Descriptive Poem or Picturesque Scene or incident |
5. | Ignorant | अनजान | Person Having No Knowledge of any Happening |
6. | Illegal | अवैध | Prohibited by Law or by official or Accepted Rules |
7. | Illegible | अस्पष्ट | Incapable of Being Read |
8. | Imitable | अनुगमनीय | Which Can Be Imitated |
9. | Immaculate | शुद्ध | A Person Who is Pure and Clean |
10. | Immigrant | आप्रवासी | A Person Who Comes to One Country from another in order to Settle there |
11. | Immovable | अचल | Which Cannot Be Moved, Fixed |
12. | Immune | इम्यून | Free from infection |
13. | Impenetrable | अभेद्य | Incapable of Being Penetrated |
14. | Imperceptible | अगोचर | Impossible or Difficult to Sense |
15. | Impervious | प्रबल | Not Admitting of Passage or Capable of Being Affected |
16. | Imposter | ढोंगी | A Person Pretending to Be Somebody He is Not |
17. | Impracticable | अव्यवहारिक | Incapable of Being Practised |
18. | Improbable | असंभव | Having A Chance of Occurring too Low to inspire Belief |
19. | Inaccessible | दुर्गम | That Cannot Be Easily Approached |
20. | Inadmissible | अस्वीकार्य | Incapable of Being Admitted or Allowed |
21. | Inalienable | अविच्छेद्य | Something That Cannot Be Taken Away |
22. | Inanimate | अचेतन | Not Endowed with Life |
23. | Inaudible | अश्राव्य | A Sound That Cannot Be Heard |
24. | Incendiary | आग लगानेवाला | A Person Who Maliciously Destroys by Fire |
25. | Incognito | गुप्त | Travelling Under another Name Than One’s Own |
26. | Incombustible | Incapable of Being Burnt | |
27. | Incomprehensible | समझ से बाहर | Difficult to Understand |
28. | Incongruous | बेमेल | Out of Place |
29. | Incorrigibility | जिसे आग न लग सके | State of Being Beyond Reform or Correction |
30. | Incorrigible | असंशोधनीय | Incapable of Being Corrected |
31. | Incredible | अतुल्य | Beyond Belief or Understanding |
32. | Incurable | लाइलाज | Incapable of Being Remedied |
33. | Indefatigable | अथक | One, Who Does Not Tire Easily |
34. | Indefensible | असमर्थनीय | Not Able to Be Protected Against attack |
35. | Indelible | अमिट | That Cannot Be Erased |
36. | Indescribable | अवर्णनीय | Defying Expression |
37. | Indestructible | अक्षय | Incapable of Being Destroyed |
38. | Indivisible | अभाज्यता | Incapable of Being Divided |
39. | Indoor | इंडोर | Something Carried on within Door or Under Cover |
40. | Inedible | अखाद्य | Not Suitable to Be Eaten |
41. | Ineligible | अनुचित | Not Being Able to Be Elected or Selected Under the Rules |
42. | Inevitable | अपरिहार्य | Incapable of Being Avoided |
43. | Inexcusable | अक्षम्य | Incapable of Being Justified |
44. | Inexorable | निष्ठुर | One Who is Unrelenting and Cannot Be Moved by Entreaties |
45. | Inexplicable | अकथनीय | Incapable of Being Explained or Accounted for |
46. | Infallible | अचूक | One Who is Free from All Mistakes and Failures |
47. | Infanticide | भ्रूण हत्या | Murder of an infant |
48. | Infantry | पैदल सेना | Soldiers, Who Fight on Foot |
49. | Infection | संक्रमण | A Disease Spread by Contact |
50. | Infidelity | बेवफ़ाई | Faithlessness |
51. | Infinite | अनंत | Not Limited by Person or Number |
52. | Infirmary | दुर्बलता | A Home or Room Used for Ill or injured People |
53. | Inflammable | ज्वलनशील | Liable to Catch Fire Easily |
54. | Inimitable | अनोखी | Matchless |
55. | Inn | इन | Place Which Provides Both Board and Lodging |
56. | Insecticide | कीटनाशक | That Which Kill insects |
57. | Insoluble | अघुलनशील | Incapable of Being Dissolved |
58. | Insolvent | दिवालिया / दिवालिया | A Person Who is Unable to Pay His Debts |
59. | Insomnia | अनिद्रा | Inability to Fall asleep |
60. | Insomniac | इन्सोम्नियाक | One Who Cannot Fall asleep |
61. | Insular | द्वीपीय | Interested Mainly in A Small Group Country Etc |
62. | Intercede | रक्षा करना | To Mediate Between Two Parties in A Dispute |
63. | Interpolate | बैठाना | Inserting New Matter in A Book |
64. | Interregnum | दो राजाए के भीतर समय | A Period of interval Between Two Reigns or Governments |
65. | Intervene | हस्तक्षेप करना | Anything Pushed inside Veins |
66. | Intestate | बिना वसीयतनामा मारा हुआ | Having Made No Legally Valid Will Before Death or Not Disposed of by A Legal Will |
67. | Introspection | आत्मनिरीक्षण | Contemplation of Your Own Thoughts and Desires and Conduct |
68. | Introvert | अंतर्मुखी | One Who Turns One’s Thoughts inwards |
69. | Invigilator | निरीक्षक | One, Who Supervises in the Examination Hall |
70. | Invincible | अजेय | One, too Strong to Be Overcome |
71. | Inviolate | अक्षत | Something That Can Not Be Harmed |
72. | Invisible | अदृश्य | Impossible or Nearly Impossible to See |
73. | Irreconcilable | कट्टर विरोधी | Incapable of Being Reconciled |
74. | Irrecoverable | अप्रतिलभ्य | Incapable of Recovered, Regained |
75. | Irrelevant | असंगत | Having No Bearing on or Connection with the Subject at issue |
76. | Irreparable | अपूरणीय | Incapable of Being Repaired |
77. | Irritable | चिड़चिड़ा | Easily annoyed |
78. | Isocracy | – | Government by All |
79. | Itinerant | चलनेवाला | One Who Journeys from Place to Place |
80. | Itinerary | यात्रा कार्यक्रम | A Plan for or Route to Be Followed on A Journey |
Subject Name : General English |
Posts Name : College Lecturer, School Lecturer, Teacher, Office Assistant, Officer, Clerk |
General English Books |
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