S. No. | One Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1. | Cache | कैश | A Place Where Treasurers, Stores, Ammunition Are Hidden |
2. | Cacographist | अशुद्ध वर्त्तनी | A Person Who is Bad in Spellings |
3. | Cacography | अशुद्ध वर्त्तनी | Ugly, Illegible Handwriting |
4. | Cacophobia | बदसूरती का डर | Fear of Ugliness |
5. | Caducity | जरा जीर्णता | The infirmity of Old Age |
6. | Calligraphist | सुलेखककों | A Person Who Writes Beautiful Handwriting |
7. | Calligraphy | सुलेख | Beautiful Handwriting |
8. | Callous | कठोर | Having Calluses |
9. | Cannibal | नरभक्षक | One Who Feeds on Human Flesh |
10. | Canophilist | कुत्तों का प्रेमी | A Lover of Dogs |
11. | Caracas | कराकस | The Dead Body of a Animal |
12. | Cardiologist | हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ | A Person Who Is Specialist in Heart Diseases |
13. | Caricature | कारटूनवाला | A Picture Drawn to Make People Laugh |
14. | Carnivorous | मांसभक्षी | One Who Lives on Flesh |
15. | Cartographer | काटोग्रफ़र | One Who Draws Maps |
16. | Cartographist | अशुद्ध वर्त्तनी | A Person Who is Bad in Spelling |
17. | Cartography | नक्शानवीसी | The Art of Making Maps and Charts |
18. | Catalogue | सूची | A Complete List of Things, Usually Arranged Systematically |
19. | Cavalry | घुड़सवार सेना | Soldiers, Who Fight on Horse Back |
20. | Celibacy | क्वांरापन | Abstaining from Sexual Relations |
21. | Celibate | अविवाहित | Abstaining from Sexual intercourse |
22. | Cellophobia | सौंदर्य का अत्यधिक भय | Extreme Fear of Beauty |
23. | Cemetery | कब्रिस्तान | A Place for Burial of Dead Bodies |
24. | Centenarian | सौ वर्ष का | One Who Is More Than A Hundred Years Old |
25. | Centenary | शताब्दी | The 100th Anniversary (or The Celebration of It) |
26. | Centripetal | केंद्राभिगामी | Anything Tending to Move Away from Centre |
27. | Century | सदी | one Hundred Years |
28. | Chaperon | संरक्षिका | Elderly Women in Charge of a Girl on Social Occasions |
29. | Characterise | विशेषता बताना | Be the Embodiment or Perfect Example of |
30. | Charlatan | मायावी | Person Who Pretends to Have More Knowledge |
31. | Chasm | खाई | An Extremely Deep Crack or Opening in The Ground |
32. | Chauffeur | ड्राइवर | One Who Is Employed to Drive A Motor Car |
33. | Chauvinist | अंधराष्ट्रीवादी | A Person Who Is Blindly Devoted to An Idea |
34. | Chimerical | असाध्य | An Unreal and Visionary Ideal |
35. | Chip | टुकड़ा | A Small Piece of Wood |
36. | Chirographer | सुलेख | A Person Who is an Expert at Penmanship |
37. | Chiromancer | हस्तरेखा शास्त्री | A Person Who Reads Palms |
38. | Chiromancy | कैरोमंसी | Palm-Reading |
39. | Chiropodist | किरोपडिस्ट | Specialist Who Takes Care of The Ailments of The Feet |
40. | Choreographer | कोरियोग्राफर | One Who Teaches Dancing |
41. | Chromatics | वर्ण-विज्ञान | The Science of Colours |
42. | Chronology | कालक्रम | Calendar of Events in Order of Occurrence |
43. | Circumlocution | कपटपूर्ण बातें | Method of Talking in A Roundabout Way |
44. | Claustrophobia | क्लौस्ट्रफ़ोबिया | Fear of Doctors |
45. | Clinophobia | बिस्तर पर जाने का डर | Fear of Going to Bed |
46. | Cloak Room | लबादा कक्ष | A Place for Luggage at Railway Station |
47. | Colleague | सहयोगी | An Associate that One Works With |
48. | Colleagues | सहयोगियों | People Who Work together |
49. | Colloquialism | बोलचाल की भाषा | Informal Expression Used in Everyday Conversation |
50. | Compatriot | स्वदेशवासी | Belong to Same Country |
51. | Compere | कमपेरे | one Who introduces Performing Artists on The Stage Program |
52. | Concert | कॉन्सर्ट | A Performance Given by A Number of Musicians |
53. | Concubinage | बेविवाति साथ रहना | Live in Relationship A Man and A Woman Living Without Being Married |
54. | Condominium | सम्मिलित | A Country Ruled by Two Country |
55. | Confectioner | हलवाई | one Who Sells Sweets and Pastries |
56. | Congenital | जन्मजात | Present at Birth but Not Necessarily Hereditary |
57. | Congregation | मण्डली | An Assembly of Worshippers |
58. | Connoisseur | विशेषज्ञ | A Critical Judge of Any Art and Craft |
59. | Consanguinity | रक्तसंबंध | Relationship by Blood or Birth |
60. | Conscription | भरती | Compulsory Enlistment for Military Service |
61. | Constellation | नक्षत्र | A Number of Stars Grounded together |
62. | Contagious | संक्रामक | A Disease Which Spreads by Contact |
63. | Contemporaries | समकालीन | Belonging to Or Living at The Same Time |
64. | Convalescence | आरोग्यलाभ | Gradual Recovery from Illness |
65. | Convalescent | अच्छा हो जानेवाला | one Who Is Recovering Health |
66. | Cortege | जूलुस | A Funeral Procession Comprising A Number of Mourners |
67. | Cosmology | ब्रह्मांड विज्ञान | Metaphysical Study of The Origin and Nature of The Universe |
68. | Cosmopolitan | कॉस्मोपॉलिटन | A Person Who Regards Whole World as His Country |
69. | Cosmopolite | विश्वनागरिक | A Citizen of The World |
70. | Couplet | दोहा | A Stanza Having Two Lines in Verse |
71. | Creche | क्रेच | A Nursery Where Children Are Cared for While Their Parents Are at Work |
72. | Credulous | विश्रंभी | Showing A Lack of Judgment or Experience |
73. | Crusade | धर्मयुद्ध | A Religious War |
74. | Cryptography | क्रिप्टोग्राफी | Study of Secret Writing and Coded Words |
75. | Crystallography | क्रिस्टल विज्ञान | Science of Crystallization |
76. | Cuckold | व्यभिचारी | Man Whose Wife Is Unfaithful to Him |
77. | Curable | इलाज | Which Can Be Cured |
78. | Curator | क्यूरेटर | A Person In charge of a Museum |
79. | Cyclone | चक्रवात | A Low Area Storm with High Winds Rotating About A Centre of Low Atmospheric Pressure |
80. | Cynic | निंदक | one Who Sneers at The Aims and Beliefs of His Fellow Men |
81. | Cynophobia | कुत्ते से असाधारण भय | Fear of Dogs |
82. | Cynosure | ऋक्ष | Centre of Attraction |
83. | Cytology | कोशिका विज्ञान | Study of Cell |