7. What is the wavelength of a wave in a waveguide ?
(a) greater than in free space (b) depends only on the waveguide dimensions and the free-space wavelength (c) inversely proportional to the phase velocity (d) inversely proportional to the group velocity
Answer : (a)
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(a) the highest frequency the waveguide operates (b) the lowest frequency the waveguide operates (c) the same as the operating frequency (d) the only frequency the waveguide operates
Answer : (b)
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Microwave Waveguides » Exercise - 13. A rectangular waveguide has a width of 1 inch and a height of 0.6 in. Its cutoff frequency is : (a) 2.54 GHz (b) 3.0 GHz (c) 5.9 GHz (d) 11.8 GHz
Microwave Waveguides » Exercise - 14. A waveguide has a cutoff frequency of 17 GHz. Which of the following signals will not be passed by the waveguide ? (a) 15 GHz (b) 18 GHz (c) 22 GHz (d) 255 GHz
Microwave Waveguides » Exercise - 18. What is the cut-off frequency of a waveguide ? (a) the highest frequency the waveguide operates (b) the lowest frequency the waveguide operates (c) the same as the operating frequency (d) the only frequency the waveguide operates