1. If text was highlighted and ‘Edit’ ‘Copy’ was clicked, what would happen ?
(a) Text would be copied from the document and placed in the clipboard (b) Text would be removed from the document and placed in the clipboard (c) Text from the clipboard would be placed in the document at the place where the cursor is blinking (d) None of these
Answer : (a)
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Microsoft Office » Exercise - 17. Which of the following is not a valid version of MS-Office ? (a) Office 95 (b) Office 97 (c) Office 99 (d) Office 2000
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Microsoft Office » Exercise - 1 1. If text was highlighted and ‘Edit’ ‘Copy’ was clicked, what would happen ? (a) Text would be copied from the document and placed in the clipboard (b) Text would be removed from the document and placed in the clipboard (c) Text from the clipboard would be placed in the document at the place where the cursor is blinking (d) None of these
Tags: text, document, clipboard, microsoft, office, exercise, general, computer