(a)The RF Amplifier normally works at 455 KHz above the carrier frequency (b)Mixer input must be tuned to the signal frequency (c)Local oscillator operates below the signal frequency (d)Local oscillator frequency is normally double the IF
Answer : (d)
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Introduction to Satellite Communication » Exercise - 282. What should be the oscillator frequency for tuning in 710 KHz on an AM radio with a 455 KHz IF : (a) 1165 KHz (b) 1015 KHz (c) 255 KHz (d) 127.5 KHz
Introduction to Satellite Communication » Exercise - 270. Pre-Emphasis is used to amplify : (a) Low Frequency (b) High Frequency (c) Both a and b (d) None of these
Introduction to Satellite Communication » Exercise - 130. The carrier frequency component of an amplitude-modulated signal contains no information but is of ….. amplitude than the side band. (a) Smaller (b) Greater (c) Either of the above (d) None of the above
Introduction to Satellite Communication » Exercise - 12. A passive satellite : (a) Amplifier the signal (b) Reflects the signal (c) Absorbs the signal (d) None of above
Introduction to Satellite Communication » Exercise - 122. For satellite communication the frequency should ….. the critical frequency of ionosphere. (a) Equal to (b) Less than (c) More than (d) None of the above