International Organizations – Exercise – 1

41. The headquarters of the UNESCO is at

(a) Rome
(b) Geneva
(c) New York
(d) Paris

Answer : (d)
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42. Which one of the following is not related to disarmament?

(a) SALT
(b) NPT
(c) CTBT
(d) NATO

Answer : (d)
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43. Which of the following describe correctly the Group of Seven Countries (G-7)?

(a) They are developing countries
(b) They are industrialised countries
(c) They are holding Atomic Bomb technology
(d) They are countries who can launch their own satellites

Answer : (b)
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44. The headquarters of Food and Agriculture Organisation is in

(a) Washington
(b) Paris
(c) Madrid
(d) Rome

Answer : (d)
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45. Which of the following is not an agency of U.N.?

(a) World Health Organisation
(b) Food and Agricultural Organisation
(c) International Committee of the Red Cross
(d) International Monetary Fund

Answer : (c)
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