International Organizations – Exercise – 1

31. Which of the following is Human Rights Organisation?

(a) The French community
(b) The Organisation of African Unity
(c) The Arab League
(d) Amnesty International

Answer : (d)
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32. The non-permanent members of the Security Council of the UN elected by the General Assembly for two years term at present include (2-year term which begins on the January 1, 2011)

(a) Japan, India, Hungary, Venezuela
(b) Morocco, Cape, Verde, Belgium, Russia
(c) Zimbabwe, Venezuela, India, France
(d) Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal, South Africa

Answer : (d)
Explanation :  For the 2-year term which begins on the January 1, 2011, the elected non-permanent members for this 2-year period will be Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal, and South Africa. Let us discuss.
Discuss : Write your answer. Click here.

33. The International Court of Justice is located at

(a) Geneva
(b) Hague
(c) Amsterdam
(d) Vienna

Answer : (b)
Explanation :  No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
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34. The headquarters of UNHCR is located at

(a) New York
(b) Rome
(c) Geneva
(d) London

Answer : (c)
Explanation :  No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Discuss : Write your answer. Click here.

35. The headquarters of International Labour Organisation is at

(a) Paris
(b) New York
(c) Hague
(d) Geneva

Answer : (d)
Explanation :  No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Discuss : Write your answer. Click here.

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