Instruction Set of 8085 Microprocessor » Exercise - 15. Which of the following has register addressing mode : (a) MVI B, 25H (b) LDA 3400H (c) LXI B, 2189H (d) MOV A, M
Instruction Set of 8085 Microprocessor » Exercise - 14. Which of the following has indirect addressing mode : (a) MVI B, 25H (b) LDA 3400H (c) LXI B, 2189H (d) MOV A, M
Instruction Set of 8085 Microprocessor » Exercise - 13. Which of the following has direct addressing mode : (a) MVI B, 25H (b) LDA 3400H (c) LXI B, 2189H (d) MOV A, M
Instruction Set of 8085 Microprocessor » Exercise - 16. Which of the following has immediate addressing mode : (a) MVI B, 25H (b) LDA 3400H (c) STAX H (d) MOV A, M