Idioms and Phrases Beginning with T – Exercise – 1

16. To hit the nail right on the head

(a) To do the right thing
(b) To destroy one’s reputation
(c) To announce one’s fixed views
(d) To teach someone a lesson

Answer : (a)
Explanation : To do exactly the right thing; to do something in the most effective and efficient way. Let us discuss.
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17. To keeps one’s temper

(a) To become hungry
(b) To be in good mood
(c) To preserve ones energy
(d) To be aloof from

Answer : (b)
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18. To leave someone in the lurch

(a) To come to compromise with someone
(b) Constant source of annoyance to someone
(c) To put someone at ease
(d) To desert someone in his difficulties

Answer : (d)
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19. To make clean breast of

(a) To gain prominence
(b) To praise oneself
(c) To confess without of reserve
(d) To destroy before it blooms

Answer : (c)
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20. To pick holes

(a) To find some reason to quarrel
(b) To destroy something
(c) To criticise someone
(d) To cut some part of an item

Answer : (c)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
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