Greek Alphabet Symbols and their Uses

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Greek Alphabet Symbols & their Uses

There are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet. The letters in the Greek alphabet also have different symbols used to denote them. The Greek alphabet is widely used to demote various constants and values within the scientific and technology field. Greek letters are commonly used as numerical prefixes and to represent physical and mathematical quantities.

These Greek letters are used for everything from the values of resistance and resistivity, Permeability, thermal conductivity and much more. Here we are providing a table of the different Greek letters, symbols and what they are commonly used.

Greek Letter NameUpper Case SymbolLower Case SymbolEnglish Equivalent  Used to Denote
AlphaΑαaAngles, coefficients, attenuation constant, absorption factor, area
BetaΒβbAngles, coefficients, phase constant
GammaΓγgComplex propagation constant (cap), specific gravity, angles, electrical conductivity, propagation constant
DeltaΔδdIncrement or decrement, determinant (cap), permittivity (cap), density, angles
EpsilonΕεeDielectric constant, permittivity, electric intensity
ZetaΖζzCoordinates, coefficients
EtaΗηhIntrinsic impedance, efficiency, surface charge density, hysteresis, coordinates
ThetaΘθthAngular phase displacement, angles, time constant, reluctance
IotaΙιiUnit vector
KappaΚκkSusceptibility, coupling coefficient, thermal conductivity
LambdaΛλlPermeance (cap), wavelength, attenuation constant
MuΜμmPermeability, amplification factor (in valves/ vacuum tubes), prefix for the micro multiplier.
NuΝνnReluctivity, frequency
PiΠπpUniversally used for 3.1416 . . . .
RhoΡρrResistivity, volume charge density, coordinates
SigmaΣσsSummation (cap), surface charge density, complex propagation constant, electrical conductivity, leakage coefficient, deviation
TauΤτtTime constant, volume resistivity, time-phase displacement, transmission factor, density
PhiΦφphScalar potential (cap), magnetic flux, angles
ChiΧχchElectric susceptibility, angles
PsiΨψpsDielectric flux, phase difference, coordinates, angles
OmegaΩωoElectrical resistance (cap), solid angle, angular velocity

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