6. Galvanised iron sheets have a coating of :
(a) lead
(b) chromium
(c) zinc
(d) tin
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Let us discuss. 7. Potassium nitrate is used in :
(a) medicine
(b) fertiliser
(c) salt
(d) glass
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Let us discuss. 8. From which mineral is radium obtained ?
(a) Rutile
(b) Haematite
(c) Limestone
(d) Pitchblende
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Let us discuss. 9. What is laughing gas ?
(a) Nitrous Oxide
(b) Carbon monoxide
(c) Sulphur dioxide
(d) Hydrogen peroxide
Explanation : No answer description available for this question.
Let us discuss. 10. LPG consists of mainly :
(a) methane, ethane and hexane
(b) ethane, hexane and nonane
(c) methane, hexane and nonane
(d) methane, butane and propane
Explanation : No answer description available for this question.
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