99. In a 555 timer, three 5 k resistors provide a trigger level of ________.
(a) 1/4 VCC and a threshold level 1/2 VCC (b) 1/3 VCC and a threshold level 3/4 VCC (c) 1/3 VCC and a threshold level 2/3 VCC (d) 1/4 VCC and a threshold level 2/3 VCC
Answer : (c)
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5555555555 5. In a 555 timer, a series connection of three resistors sets the reference voltage levels to the two comparators at ________ and ________. (a) 2VCC / 3, VCC / 3 (b) VCC / 2, VCC / 4 (c) VCC, VCC / 2 (d) VCC, VCC
5555555555 35. In astable operation of the 555 timer, the lower and upper peaks of the charging/discharging external capacitor are ________ to ________. (a) –VCC, VCC (b) –0.5 VCC, 0.5 VCC (c) 1/3 VCC, 1/2 VCC (d) 1/3 VCC, 2/3 VCC
5555555555 94. The highest efficiency is obtained in class B operation when the level of VL(p) is equal to ________. (a) 0.25VCC (b) 0.50VCC (c) VCC (d) 2VCC
5555555555 1. The level of the output voltage of an op-amp circuit is always ________ the level of VCC. (a) larger than (b) the same as (c) smaller than (d) None of the above