Electromagnetic Induction » Exercise - 18. The dimensions of ‘self inductance’ and ‘magnetic flux’ are : (a) M L T –2 and M L 2 T –1 A –1 respectively (b) M L 2 T –2 A –2 and M L 2 T –2 A –1 respectively (c) M 2 L -1 T –1 and M 2 L 2 T –2 respectively (d) M T –2 A –1 and M 2 L T respectively
Electromagnetic Induction » Exercise - 17. When an iron core is inserted into a coil, its coefficient of self induction : (a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains the same (d) becomes zero
555555555522. What is the magnetomotive force in a 75-turn coil of wire when there are 4 A of current through it? (a) 18.75 At (b) 30 At (c) 300 At (d) 187 At
5555555555 20. When a solenoid is activated, the force that moves the plunger is ________. (a) an electromagnetic field (b) a permanent magnetic field (c) varying voltage (d) a steady current