Digital Modulation Techniques » Exercise – 1
1. Frequency shift keying is used mostly in :
(a) Telephony
(b) Telegraphy
(c) Radio transmission
(d) None of the above
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Let us discuss. 2. Which of the following gives maximum probability of error ?
(a) ASK
(b) BFSK
(c) BPSK
(d) DPSK
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Let us discuss. 3. Which of the following gives minimum probability of error ?
(a) ASK
(b) BFSK
(c) BPSK
(d) DPSK
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Let us discuss. 4. ASK, BPSK, QPSK and DPSK are examples of following encoding :
(a) Digital to analog
(b) Digital to digital
(c) Analog to digital
(d) Analog toanalog
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Let us discuss. 5. The main circuit used in DPSK modulator is :
(a) NOR gate
(b) NAND gate
(c) XNOR gate
(d) ORgate
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Let us discuss. Related Posts Digital Modulation Techniques » Exercise - 1 4. ASK, BPSK, QPSK and DPSK are examples of following encoding : (a) Digital to analog (b) Digital to digital (c) Analog to digital (d) Analog to analog Tags: digital, analog, modulation, techniques, exercise, bpsk, qpsk, dpsk, examples, encoding
Digital Modulation Techniques » Exercise - 1 3. Which of the following gives minimum probability of error ? (a) ASK (b) BFSK (c) BPSK (d) DPSK Tags: digital, modulation, techniques, exercise, minimum, probability, error, bfsk, bpsk, dpsk
Digital Modulation Techniques » Exercise - 1 2. Which of the following gives maximum probability of error ? (a) ASK (b) BFSK (c) BPSK (d) DPSK Tags: digital, modulation, techniques, exercise, maximum, probability, error, bfsk, bpsk, dpsk
Digital Modulation Techniques » Exercise - 1 5. The main circuit used in DPSK modulator is : (a) NOR gate (b) NAND gate (c) XNOR gate (d) OR gate Tags: gate, digital, modulation, techniques, exercise, main, circuit, dpsk, modulator, nand
Digital Modulation Techniques » Exercise - 1 1. Frequency shift keying is used mostly in : (a) Telephony (b) Telegraphy (c) Radio transmission (d) None of the above Tags: digital, modulation, techniques, exercise, frequency, shift, keying, telephony, telegraphy, radio