CRO » Exercise – 1
1. The time base signal in a CRO is a :
(a) Rectangular waveform
(b) High frequency sinusoidal wave form
(c) High frequency sawtooth wave form
(d) Square wave form
2. The units for the deflection sensitivity of a CRO are :
(a) Meter/volt
(b) mm/volt
(c) mm/m-volt
(d) m/m-volt
3. X and Y plates of a CRO are connected to unequal voltages of equal frequency with phase shift of 90 degree. The Lissajous figure on the screen will be :
(a) Circle
(b) Straight line
(c) Ellipse
(d) Figure of eight
4. The colour of the spot on the screen of a CRO is a characteristic of :
(a) Electron gun in a CRT
(b) The type of the waveform being observed
(c) The coating material on the screen
(d) The velocity of the electrons striking the screen
5. The Lissajous pattern obtained on a CRO is used to determine :
(a) Amplitude of applied signal
(b) Current in a circuit
(c) Phase shift and frequency
(d) Distortion in a system