106. A sequential circuit design is used to ________.
(a) count up
(b) count down
(c) decode an end count
(d) count in a random order
107. The circuit shown below is a ________.
(a) parallel in/serial out register
(b) serial in/parallel load register
(c) multiplexer
(d) demultiplexer
108. In order to use a shift register as a counter, ________.
(a) the register’s serial input is the counter input and the serial output is the counter output
(b) the parallel inputs provide the input signal and the output signal is taken from the serial data output
(c) serial in/serial out register must be used
(d) the serial output of the register is connected back to the serial input of the register
109. The circuit shown below is a ________.
(a) Johnson counter
(b) ring counter
(c) decade counter
(d) BCD counter
110. In general, when using a scope to troubleshoot digital systems the instrument should be triggered by ________.
(a) the A channel or channel 1
(b) the vertical input mode, when using more than one channel
(c) the system clock
(d) line sync, in order to observe troublesome power line glitches