10. The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on :
(a)the principle of federation and parliamentary system (b)the principle of succession of the British Indian provinces (c)acceptance of the idea of a Constituent Assembly to draft a Constitution (d)None of the above
Answer : (a)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Constitutional Development of India » Exercise - 1 1. The first attempt to introduce a representative and popular element in the Governance of India was made through : (a) Indian Council Act, 1861 (b) Indian Council Act, 1892 (c) Indian Council Act, 1909 (d) Government of India Act, 1919
Tags: india, indian, constitutional, development, exercise, government, polity
Constitutional Development of India » Exercise - 14. Which of the following Acts introduced communal electorate in India ? (a) Indian Council Act, 1861 (b) Indian Council Act, 1892 (c) Indian Council Act, 1909 (d) Government of India Act, 1935
Tags: india, indian, constitutional, development, exercise, government, polity
Constituent Assembly of India » Exercise - 1 1. The number of members included in the Constitution Drafting Committee were : (a) seven (b) nine (c) eleven (d) thirteen
Tags: constituent, assembly, india, exercise, constitution, indian, polity
The Preamble » Exercise - 19. Who adopted the Constitution of India on the 26th November, 1949 ? (a) People of India (b) Parliamentary of India (c) Representative of the people of India in Constituent Assembly (d) Cabinet
Tags: india, exercise, constitution, parliamentary, constituent, assembly, indian, polity
Constituent Assembly of India » Exercise - 19. The Constitution of India was completed on : (a) 11th February, 1948 (b) 26th November, 1949 (c) 26th January, 1950 (d) None of the above
Tags: india, constituent, assembly, exercise, constitution, indian, polity