Computer Software – Exercise – 1

46. Compiler is the :

(a) name given to the computer operator
(b) part of the digital machine to store the information
(c) operator of boolean algebra
(d) translator of source program to object code

Answer : (d)
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47. Which of the following is a system software ?

(a) Database programs
(b) word processors
(c) Spreadsheets
(d) Compilers

Answer : (d)
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48. Assembly language is a :

(a) machine language
(b) high-level programming language
(c) low-level programming language
(d) language for assembling computers

Answer : (c)
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49. System software :

(a) allows the user to diagnose and trouble shoot the device
(b) is a programming software
(c) is part of a productivity suite
(d) helps the computer manage internal resources

Answer : (d)
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50. This type of software works with end-users, application software and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details.

(a) communication software
(b) system software
(c) Application software
(d) utility software

Answer : (b)
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