Computer Architecture and Organization – Exercise – 1

31. The main circuit-board of the system unit is :

(a) computer program
(b) control unit
(c) mother board
(d) RAM

Answer : (c)
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32. …….. selects, interprets and executes instructions in a CPU.

(a) Control unit
(b) ALU
(c) Memory
(d) Storage

Answer : (a)
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33. …….. is the process of carrying out commands.

(a) Fetching
(b) storing
(c) Decoding
(d) Executing

Answer : (d)
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34. CPU comprises of control unit, memory unit and ….. units.

(a) microprocessor
(b) arithmetic and logical unit
(c) ROM
(d) RAM

Answer : (b)
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35. ……. Is the raw facts from which …….. is derived.

(a) Data, information
(b) Data, information
(c) Input, information
(d) Output, information

Answer : (a)
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