Computer Architecture and Organization – Exercise – 1

6. Which of the following is a part of central Processing unit ?

(a) Printer
(b) Keyboard
(c) Mouse
(d) Arithmetic and Logic Unit

Answer : (d)
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7. A group of bits that tells the computer to Perform a specific operation is known as :

(a) instruction code
(b) micro-operation
(c) accumulator
(d) register

Answer : (a)
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8. The load instruction is mostly used to designate a transfer from memory to a Processor register known as :

(a) accumulator
(b) instruction register
(c) Program counter
(d) memory address register

Answer : (a)
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9. Which is not an integral Part of computer ?

(a) CPU
(b) Mouse
(c) Monitor
(d) UPS

Answer : (d)
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10. When machine instructions are being executed by a computer the instruction phase followed by the execution phase is referred to as :

(a) program cycle
(b) machine instruction
(c) instruction cycle
(d) task cycle

Answer : (c)
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