Compensation Techniques » Exercise – 1
1. A lag compensator is basically a :
(a) high pass filter
(b) band pass filter
(c) low pass filter
(d) band elimination filter
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Let us discuss. 2. A phase-lag compensation will :
(a) improve relative stability
(b) increase bandwidth
(c) increase the speed of response
(d) increase overshoot
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Let us discuss. 3. When phase-lag compensation is used in a system, gain crossover frequency, band width and undamped frequency are respectively :
(a) increased, increased, increased
(b) increased, increased, decreased
(c) increased, decreased, decreased
(d) decreased, decreased, decreased
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Let us discuss. 4. Which one of the following compensations is adopted for improving transient response of a negative unity feedback system ?
(a) phase lead compensation
(b) phase lag compensation
(c) gain compensation
(d) both phase lag compensation and gain compensation
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Let us discuss. 5. The transfer function of a compensating network is of the form 1 +αTs/(1 +Ts). If this is a phase-lag network the value of α should be :
(a) exactly equal to 0
(b) between 0 and 1
(c) exactly equal to 1
(d) greater than 1
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