178. The 2’s-complement system is to be used to add the signed binary numbers 11110010 and 11110011. Determine, in decimal, the sign and value of each number and their sum.
(a) –113 and –114, –227 (b) –14 and –13, –27 (c) –11 and –16, –27 (d) –27 and –13, –40
Answer : (b)
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5555555555153. The two's-complement system is to be used to add the signed numbers 11110010 and 11110011. Determine, in decimal, the sign and value of each number and their sum. (a) –14 and –13, –27 (b) –113 and –114, 227 (c) –27 and –13, 40 (d) –11 and –16, –27
5555555555148. Convert each of the following signed binary numbers (two's-complement) to a signed decimal number.000001011111110011111000 (a) –5 +4 +8 (b) +5 –4 –8 (c) –5 +252 +248 (d) +5 –252 –248