Chemistry » OLQs
S. No. | Questions | Answers |
1. | Tube light is filled with? | Mercury Vapour & Argon |
2. | Other name of “FOOL’S GOLD” is? | Iron Pyrite |
3. | Non-stick coating in utensils is of? | TEFLON |
4. | Compounds responsible for temporary hardness of water? | Bicarbonates of Calcium and Magnesium |
5. | Compounds responsible for permanent hardness of water? | Sulphates and Chlorides of Calcium and Magnesium |
6. | Gases used for ripening raw fruits? | Ethylene & Acetylene |
7. | Main ore of Mercury is______? | Cinnabar |
8. | Egg shell is made up of______? | Calcium Carbonate |
9. | ______ is known as Artificial Silk. | Reyon |
10. | Water soluble Vitamins______. | B & C |
11. | Fat Soluble Vitamins______. | A, D, E & K |
12. | Common preservative in food processing industry is? | Benzoic Acid |
13. | First organic compound synthesized in laboratory & by whom? | Urea by Friedrich Wöhler |
14. | What blackens silver’s shine? | Ozone Gas |
15. | Substance used in Cancer treatment? | Cobalt – 60 |
16. | Cobalt is found in______? | Vitamin B12 |
17. | Iron is extracted from which ore? | Hematite |
18. | Aluminium is extracted from which ore? | Bauxite |
19. | Copper is extracted from which ore? | Copper Pyrite |
20. | Chemical name of ‘Washing Soda’ is? | Sodium Carbonate |
21. | Gases used in welding are _______? | Acetylene & Oxygen |
22. | Gases used by sea divers for breathing are ____? | Oxygen & Helium |
23. | Best sources for Vitamin D are______? | Sunlight & Fish liver |
24. | Zinc Phosphide is used as______? | Rat Poison |
25. | Fuse wire is made up of______. | Lead and Tin |
26. | Purest form of Iron is______? | Wrought Iron |
27. | Radium is extracted from ______. | Pitchblende |
28. | Which agent is as ‘seed’ in artificial rain? | Silver Iodide |
29. | Oxides of metals are ______. | Alkaline |
30. | During the process of ‘rusting’, the weight of iron ______. | Increases |
31. | ______ (metal) is liquid at room temperature. | Gallium |
32. | ______ is used to prepare fire proof and water proof clothes. | Calcium hydride |
33. | Galvanised iron is coated with? | Zinc |
34. | Chemical name of Chromic Acid is______? | Chromium trioxide |
35. | Which metal is used in Photoelectric cell? | Selenium |
36. | Barium Hydroxide is also known as? | Baryta Water |
37. | ______ elements are non-metal. | Electronegative |
38. | ______ is known as heavy water and used in nuclear reactor as moderator. | Deuterium Oxide (D2O) |
39. | Deuterium is ______ of Hydrogen. | Isotope |
40. | Ozone is _______ of Oxygen. | Allotrope |
41. | Ammonia (NH3) is synthesized through? | Haber’s Process |
42. | Chlorine is used to prepare _________ | PVC, Insecticides, herbicides |
43. | Which catalyst is used for the synthesis of Vanaspati Ghee? | Nickle (Ni) |
44. | Which catalyst is used for the synthesis of Sulphuric Acid by Contact Process? | Platinum (Pt) |
45. | Chemical name of Picric Acid is? | Tri Nitro Phenol |
46. | ______ is known as laughing gas? | N2O |
47. | Chloroform in sunlight forms poisonous gas ______. | Phosgene |
48. | Platinum is also called _____. | White Gold |
49. | Which material is used in making of safety matches? | Red Phosphorous |
50. | Nail polish remover contains? | Acetone |
51. | Which acid is present in Orange? | Citric Acid |
52. | Lead pencil contains _____. | Graphite |
53. | Which gas is used in filling electric bulbs ______? | Argon |
54. | Lightest metal? | Lithium |
55. | Acid rain is due to air pollution by? | Nitrous Oxide & Sulphur dioxide |
56. | Ozone is ______.. | Diamagnetic |
57. | Petroleum is found in ______.. | Sedimentary Rocks |
58. | All noble gases are______? | Colourless and Odourless |
59. | The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is? | Oxygen |
60. | The lustre of a metal is due to _______. | Presence of free electrons |
61. | Which gas is used in fire extinguisher? | Carbon dioxide |
62. | Which gas is used in cigarette lighters? | Butane |
63. | Biogas chiefly contains ______. | Methane |
64. | Chemical used as fixer in Photography is ______. | Sodium thiosulphate |
65. | Aspirin is ______. | Acetyl Salicylic Acid |
66. | _____ is also known as ‘Stranger Gas.’ | Xenon |
67. | Natural rubber is a polymer derived from ______. | Isoprene |
68. | ‘Oil of Vitriol’ is ______. | Sulphuric acid |
69. | Paper is chemically _______. | Cellulose |
70. | Impurity present in ore is ________. | Gangue |
71. | Which is known as ‘Metal of Future’? | Titanium |
72. | Efficiency of the catalyst depends on its? | Molecular State |
73. | Most of the explosions in mines occurs due to mixing of ______ . | Methane with air |
74. | Vinegar is an aqueous solution of ______. | Acetic acid |
75. | Kerosene is a mixture of _____. | Aliphatic hydrocarbons |
76. | The important metal used with iron to produce stainless steel is _____. | Chromium |
77. | Which gas is responsible for the swelling of bread? | Carbon dioxide |
78. | The metal constituent of chlorophyll is _____. | Magnesium |
79. | Which acid is used for etching glass? | Hydrofluoric acid (HF) |
80. | Paraffin wax is _________. | Saturated hydrocarbon |
81. | Solder is an alloy of _____. | Tin and Lead |
82. | Alum is used as | A purifier for water |
83. | Nuclear fuel in the sun is ______. | Helium |
84. | Dead organisms are transformed into petroleum and natural gas ______. | Absence of air |
85. | Organic Compounds are only soluble in _____. | Non-polar solvents |
86. | Which acid is used in soft drinks? | Carbonic acid (H2CO3) |
87. | Which acid is present in Bee Sting? | Methanoic Acid |
88. | Tooth enamel is made up of ______. | Calcium Phosphate |
89. | The name ‘catalyst’ was given by _____. | Berzilius |
90. | A polymeric substance used to make parachute is _____. | Viscose |
91. | What is used to avoid melting of ice? | Gelatine |
92. | Carbon occur in the nature in the purest form as? | Diamond |
93. | Oxidation is defined as _____. | Loss of electrons |
94. | In nuclear reactor, chain reaction is controlled by using _____. | Cadmium rod |
95. | The radioactive element most commonly detected in humans is _____ . | Potassium – 40 |
96. | Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of _____. | Nuclear fusion |
97. | The ultrapure metal is obtained by _____. | Zone refining |
98. | Most abundant metal in earth’s crust is ______. | Aluminium |
99. | Balloons are filled with _____. | Helium |
100. | The element common to all acids is _____. | Hydrogen |
Subject Name : Chemistry |
Posts Name : Technical Assistant, Junior Scientist, Post Graduate Teacher, Lecturer |
Chemistry Books |