Biology » OLQs
S. No. | Questions | Answers |
1. | What is contained in Chlorophyll? | Magnesium |
2. | From which part of the plant is turmeric obtained? | Stem |
3. | Lacrymal glands are situated in the___? | Eye Orbit |
4. | The specific role of Vitamin K is in the synthesis of | Prothrombin |
5. | Which Part of plant is important for the life cycle of plant? | Flower |
6. | Increased RBC’s in the blood leads to a condition called___? | Polycythemia |
7. | Name the hormone that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. | Insulin |
8. | The human faces is yellow in colour due to the presence of a pigment called___? | Urobilin |
9. | Which enzyme is found in human saliva? | Ptyalin |
10. | Hansen’s disease is also known as___? | Leprosy |
11. | What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man? | 120mm & 80mm |
12. | Which is considered as the strongest natural fibre? | Silk |
13. | The deficiency of which leads to dental caries? | Fluorine |
14. | Companion cells are unique to___? | Angiosperms |
15. | The smallest bone in the human body is___? | Stapes |
16. | A person feel fatigued due to deposition of which acid in their muscles? | Lactic Acid |
17. | How many bones are present in human skull? | 22 |
18. | Which lobe of human brain is associated with hearing? | Temporal Lobe |
19. | Upper most layer of skin is called ___? | Epidermis |
20. | Motor skills are associated with which part of the brain? | Frontal Lobes |
21. | Blood group was discovered by whom? | Landsteiner |
22. | The PH value of human blood is__? | 7.40 |
23. | Name the largest gland in the human body? | Liver |
24. | What is the chemical name of a substance which kills rats? | White Phosphorus |
25. | The metal present in the haemoglobin is ____. | Iron |
26. | Which mosquito is the carrier of Zika virus? | Aedes |
27. | Name the gas used for making vegetable ghee? | Hydrogen |
28. | Which part of brain is centre of thirst, hunger and sleep? | Hypothalamus |
29. | Which regulates the quantum of light entering the human eye? | Iris |
30. | DNA stands for __. | Deoxyribonucleic Acid |
31. | What percentage of water is lost during transpiration? | 99% |
32. | Pyramid of energy is ____? | Always upright |
33. | Edward Jenner is related with which disease? | Small pox |
34. | The hormone used as an oral contraceptive is ____. | Progesterone |
35. | Which vitamin is considered to be a hormone? | Vitamin D |
36. | The process of photosynthesis involves conversion of what? | Solar energy into chemical energy |
37. | Who explained about the blood circulation for the first time? | William Harvey |
38. | Dog bite can cause rabies. Which other animal can also cause rabies? | Bat |
39. | Saliva helps in the digestion of which thing? | Starch |
40. | Which is the sweetest sugar? | Fructose |
41. | Which enzyme is present in all members of the animal kingdom except Protozoa? | Amylase |
42. | Which is known as graveyard of RBC’s? | Spleen |
43. | Which disease is caused by the bite of a mad dog? | Hydrophobia |
44. | What is the normal cholesterol level in human blood? | 180-200 mg/dL |
45. | Who was the first to isolate Gene? | Dr. Hargobind Khurana |
46. | Which cell organelles function as the power house of a living cell? | Mitochondria |
47. | Nobel Prize winning scientist James D. Watson is known for his work in which area? | Genetics |
48. | What is the Branch of science which deals with the study of skin of man? | Dermatology |
49. | Which test helps in diagnosis of cancer? | Biopsy Test |
50. | Which major chemical compound found in human kidney stones? | Calcium oxalate |
51. | Sex determination of child is done by whose chromosome? | Father |
52. | What is the name of first clones sheep? | Dolly |
53. | What is known as ‘kitchen of cell’? | Chloroplast |
54. | Enlargement of which gland takes place due to deficiency of iodine? | Thyroid |
55. | Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting? | Medulla Oblongata |
56. | What are Bryophytes? | Amphibious |
57. | The number of Chromosomes in the human gene is ___. | 46 |
58. | Polio is caused by whom? | Virus |
59. | Ductless glands are known as______? | Endocrine glands |
60. | The first vaccine injected into a just born baby is______. | BCG |
61. | Which are phagocytes in liver? | Kupffer cells |
62. | Which gland disappear during old age? | Thymus |
63. | The study of Dendrology is associated with___? | Trees |
64. | Theory of natural selection was proposed by_______. | Charles Darwin |
65. | By which doctor was the first successful heart transplant in India performed? | Dr. Venugopal |
66. | The food poisoning is caused by___. | Clostrideam boutulium |
67. | Which acid is found in ‘Tomato’? | Oxalic Acid |
68. | Haematopoiesis take place in _____? | Bone marrow |
69. | Which part of human brain is affected by alcohol? | Cerebellum |
70. | Ascariasis is caused by ___? | Round Worm |
71. | Turpentine oil is obtained from___? | Pinus |
72. | Which salt is found in bone in largest amount? | Calcium Phosphate |
73. | Genes are made by___? | Polynucleotide |
74. | Which disease is known as ‘silent killer’? | High Blood pressure |
75. | By whom was oral polio vaccine discovered? | Jonas Salk |
76. | The compound used in anti-malarial drug is___? | Chloroquine |
77. | Which is responsible for transport of food and other substances in plants? | Phloem |
78. | BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerine) is injected to get immunity from__? | Tuberculosis |
79. | First vaccine produced by bio-technology was used against which virus? | Hepatitis-B |
80. | Alcoholic drink contains___? | Ethyl Alcohol |
81. | Xerophthalmia is a disease caused by lack of which vitamin? | Vitamin A |
82. | Which is responsible for the process of cell division? | Mitosis |
83. | What is known as ‘Suicidal bags of cell’? | Lysosome |
84. | The plants, which grow under water stress conditions are called_? | Xerophytes |
85. | Which metal is present in Insulin? | Zinc |
86. | Most of the red, blue and purple colours of plants are due to a pigment called__? | Anthocyanin |
87. | The filtering of blood through an artificial kidney is called__? | Dialysis |
88. | Animals store glucose in the form of__? | Glycogen |
89. | Who invented penicillin? | Alexander Fleming |
90. | The longest and largest bone in the human body is__? | Femur |
91. | Which is known as master gland in man? | Pituitary gland |
92. | Which vitamin is essential for the coagulation of blood? | Vitamin K |
93. | Which insect spreads kala-azar? | Sand Fly |
94. | Name the smallest functional unit of the kidney? | Nephron |
95. | What is the smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system? | Neuron |
96. | Which animal have no blood but they respire? | Hydra |
97. | What is the Dental formula of man? | 2123/2123 |
98. | The biogas used for cooking is a mixture of ___? | Methane & Carbondioxide |
99. | Which plant yields biodiesel or biofuel? | Jatropha Curcas |
100. | The most serious air pollutant causing health hazard is___? | Sulphur dioxide |
Subject Name : Biology |
Posts Name : Technical Assistant, Junior Scientist, Post Graduate Teacher, Lecturer |
Biology Books |
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