(a) Only an inverting op-amp circuit must be used to (b) Only a noninverting op-amp circuit must be used to (c) Both inverting and noninverting op-amp circuits can be used to (d) Neither inverting nor noninverting op-amp circuits must be used to
Answer : (c)
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5555555555 2. In a current-controlled voltage source using the inverting op-amp circuit, the controlled output current is ________ with the input voltage source. (a) in phase (b) 45º out of phase (c) 90º out of phase (d) 180º out of phase
5555555555204. An op-amp circuit in which the output voltage is equal to the difference between the two input voltages is called a(n) _____ (a) integrator (b) differentiator (c) differential amplifier (d) voltage regulator