(a) Only Proton number change (b) Only neutron number change (c) Both the number are changes (d) There is no change in the proton-number and neutron number
Answer : (d)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
20. The atomic number is equivalent to which of the following ?
(a) The number of neutrons in the atom (b) The number of protons in the atom (c) The number of nucleons in the atom (d) The number of ?–particles in the atom
Answer : (b)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Atomic Physics » Exercise - 19. The ionization energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. The ionization energy of helium atom would be : (a) 13.6 eV (b) 27.2 eV (c) 54.4 eV (d) 62.8 eV
Atomic Physics » Exercise - 112. If 13.6eV energy is required to ionize the hydrogen atom the energy required to remove the electron form n=2 state is : (a) Zero (b) 3.4eV (c) 6.8eV (d) 10.2eV
Tags: ev, atomic, physics, energy, hydrogen, atom, electron
Atomic Physics » Exercise - 120. The atomic number is equivalent to which of the following ? (a) The number of neutrons in the atom (b) The number of protons in the atom (c) The number of nucleons in the atom (d) The number of ?–particles in the atom