Atomic Physics – Exercise – 1

16. Velocity of electron in second bohr orbit as compared to velocity in first orbit is :

(a) one fourth
(b) one half
(c) equal
(d) 2 times

Answer : (b)
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17. In gamma ray emission form a nucleus :

(a) Only Proton number change
(b) Only neutron number change
(c) Both the number are changes
(d) There is no change in the proton-number and neutron number

Answer : (d)
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18. Bohr’s atomic model is based upon :

(a) Einstein’s relativistic theory
(b) classical theory
(c) planks quantum theory
(d) both b and c

Answer : (d)
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19. The nuclear of which of following Pairs of nuclei are isotones :

(a) 34Se74 31Ca71
(b) 42Mo92 40Zr92
(c) 38Sr81 38Sr86
(d) 20Cd40 , 16S32

Answer : (a)
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20. The atomic number is equivalent to which of the following ?

(a) The number of neutrons in the atom
(b) The number of protons in the atom
(c) The number of nucleons in the atom
(d) The number of ?–particles in the atom

Answer : (b)
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