13. What is the major advantage of the R/2R ladder digital-to-analog (DAC), as compared to a binary-weighted digital-to-analog DAC converter?
(a) It only uses two different resistor values. (b) It has fewer parts for the same number of inputs. (c) Its operation is much easier to analyze. (d) The virtual ground is eliminated and the circuit is therefore easier to understand and troubleshoot.
Answer : (a)
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555555555514. A binary-weighted digital-to-analog converter has a feedback resistor, Rf, of 12 k. If 50 A of current is through the resistor, the voltage out of the circuit is: (a) 0.6 V (b) –0.6 V (c) 0.1 V (d) –0.1 V
555555555519. The problems of the binary-weighted resistor digital-to-analog converter (DAC) can be overcome by using ___________. (a) an 8-bit binary-weighted resistor DAC (b) an R/2R ladder DAC (c) a staircase DAC (d) a flash DAC
555555555510. A binary-weighted digital-to-analog converter has an input resistor of 100 k. If the resistor is connected to a 5 V source, the current through the resistor is: (a) 50 A (b) 5 mA (c) 500 A (d) 50 mA
555555555518. The number of binary bits at the input of a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is known as ________. (a) accuracy (b) linearity (c) resolution (d) monotonicity