(a)Ensemble and time average are identical (b)Ensemble and time average are different (c)Ensemble and time average are opposite to each other (d)None of the above
Answer : (b)
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Analog Communications » Exercise - 12. An ergodic process in communication present if many random signals have- (a) Identical time averages (b) Identical ensemble averages (c) Identical time and ensemble averages (d) None of the above
Analog Communications » Exercise - 19. A random process is defined as ergodic if - (a) All type of ensemble averages are not changeable (b) All type of ensemble averages are constant (c) All type of ensemble averages are interchangeable (d) None of these
Analog Communications » Exercise - 17. The auto-correlation function of a signal (t) at to = 0 is equal to - (a) Zero (b) Infinite (c) Average voltage of the signal (d) Average power of the signal