(a)the mathematically differentiates the average of the voltages on the two input lines (b)the differentiates the input waveform on one line when the other line is grounded (c)the difference of voltages between the two input lines (d)the differentiates the sum of the two input waveforms
Answer : (c)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
555555555527. The differential amplifier produces outputs that are (a) common mode. (b) in-phase with the input voltages. (c) the sum of the two input voltages. (d) the difference of the two input voltages.
Operational Amplifier » Exercise - 15. A differential amplifier ........... (a) is a part of an OP-amp (b) has one input and one output (c) has two outputs (d) a and c