555555555535. Which of the following configurations does (do) not involve the Miller effect capacitance? (a) Common-emitter (b) Common-base (c) Common-collector (d) All of the above
555555555549. What is the most frequently encountered transistor configuration? (a) Common-base (b) Common-collector (c) Common-emitter (d) Emitter-collector
55555555558. A common-gate amplifier is similar in configuration to which BJT amplifier? (a) common-emitter (b) common-collector (c) common-base (d) emitter-follower
555555555514. A common-source amplifier is similar in configuration to which BJT amplifier? (a) common-base (b) common-collector (c) common-emitter (d) emitter-follower
555555555578. Which of the following configurations can a transistor set up? (a) Common-base (b) Common-emitter (c) Common-collector (d) All of the above