16. What is the level of the output voltage of a ladder-network conversion?
(a) The analog output voltage proportional to the digital input voltage (b) The digital output voltage proportional to the linear input voltage (c) A fixed digital value Vref (d) A fixed analog value Vref
Answer : (a)
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555555555532. What is (are) the input(s) to the comparator in the ladder-network conversion of an ADC? (a) Staircase voltage (b) Analog input voltage (c) Both staircase and analog input voltage (d) None of the above
555555555546. An input at a frequency of 1070 Hz will drive the decoder output voltage to ________. (a) –5 V (b) 14 V (c) –5 V and 14 V (d) None of the above
555555555550. In a ladder-network conversion, the ________ circuit provides a signal to stop the counter when the staircase voltage rises above the input voltage. (a) control logic (b) comparator (c) ladder-network (d) None of the above