55555555555 Directions : Choose the out of the following words which has same meaning to the given word. 43. APPLAUD (a) Flatter (b) Pray (c) Praise (d) Request
Tags: synonyms, directions, choose, meaning, word, general, english
55555555555 Directions : Choose the word out of the following words which has same meaning to the given word. 4. APATHY (a) Sympathy (b) Powerful (c) Indifference (d) Far away
Tags: word, synonyms, directions, choose, meaning, general, english
55555555555 Directions : Choose the out of the following words which has same meaning to the given word. 60. DECRY (a) Deviate (b) Despoil (c) Demure (d) Disparage
Tags: synonyms, directions, choose, meaning, word, general, english
55555555555 Directions : Choose the out of the following words which has same meaning to the given word. 59. JEOPARDY (a) Magic (b) Adventure (c) Enmity (d) Danger
Tags: synonyms, directions, choose, meaning, word, general, english
55555555555 Directions : Choose the out of the following words which has same meaning to the given word. 58. MOLLIFY (a) Chastise (b) Testify (c) Rebuke (d) Appease
Tags: synonyms, directions, choose, meaning, word, general, english