9. A 47 Ω resistor and a capacitor with 150 Ω of capacitive reactance are in series across an ac source. The impedance, expressed in rectangular form, is ________.
(a) Z = 47 Ω + j150 Ω (b) Z = 47 Ω – j150 Ω (c) Z = 197 Ω (d) Z = 103 Ω
Answer : (b)
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5555555555 6. A 15 Ω resistor, an inductor with 8 Ω inductive reactance, and a capacitor with 12 Ω capacitive reactance are in parallel across an ac voltage source. The circuit impedance is ________. (a) 12.7 Ω (b) 127 Ω (c) 4,436 Ω (d) 6,174 Ω
5555555555 16. A balanced Wheatstone bridge consists of an RV of 3,500 Ω, an R2 of 200 Ω, and an R3 of 680 Ω. The value of RUNK is ________. (a) 680 Ω (b) 1,029 Ω (c) 200 Ω (d) 880 Ω
5555555555 3. An electric heater draws 3.5 A from a 110 V source. The resistance of the heating element is approximately ________. (a) 385 Ω (b) 38.5 Ω (c) 3.1 Ω (d) 31 Ω
5555555555 17. The internal resistance of a 30,000 ohm/volt voltmeter set on its 50 V range is ________. (a) 15,000 Ω (b) 150,000 Ω (c) 1,500,000 Ω (d) 15,000,000 Ω